Inventory & Warehouse Management Analytics

Optimise inventory and storage processes and get insights into the performance of your team using the 5Y Inventory & Warehouse Management Analytics Solution.

Inventory & Warehouse Management Analytics

We help COOs, operation directors and warehouse managers to improve the operational efficiencies of everything inventory-related

Our Inventory & Warehousing Management Analytics Solution provides the insights your warehousing team needs to optimise inventory and storage. Quickly access standard and tailored reports that lift the lid on shipments, work orders and inventory movement.


Shipment Reports

Easily track the status of all shipments, identify areas for improvement and forecast future demand.

Warehouse Work Order Reports

Generate essential production planning insights to understand inventory and capacity statuses.

Inventory Movement Reports

Understand movement in stock levels over a given period and accurately forecast future requirements.

Warehouse Performance Dashboard

Get instant access to all of the shipping and warehouse KPIs and metrics you need in one single location.

Inventory & Warehouse Management KPIs & Measures

  • Actual Time
  • Available Physical
  • Customer Shipment Count
  • Days of Inventory
  • Days Supply
  • Delivered Quantity
  • Estimated Time
  • Frozen
  • Inventory Average Value
  • Inventory Cost Amount
  • Inventory Quantity
  • Inventory Turns
  • Inventory Value
  • Ordered Quantity
  • Picks Count
  • Puts Count
  • Quantity Remaining
  • Quantity Work
  • Shipped Early %
  • Shipped Early Count
  • Shipped Late %
  • Shipped Late Count
  • Shipped On Time %
  • Time

Start generating inventory and warehousing insights in 60 days

When you adopt the 5Y Unified Data Platform, you significantly decrease your time to value. Using a combination of data vault methodology, common data structures and pre-built content, we provide many of your inventory and warehousing analytics requirements out of the box. Better still, it takes months, not years, to personalise reporting to your unique business needs.

Key Performance Indicators
Reports and Dashboards
Pre-Defined Calculations

Pre-built integrations with leading business applications

And 100+ other data connectors

Use Cases

Discover how the 5Y Unified Data Platform has helped these companies become more data centric

Unlock your organisation's potential with the

5Y Unified Data Platform

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