5Y Application Integration Engine Pricing

The 5Y Application Integration Engine makes it easy to connect systems, accelerate transformations and automate workflows.

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5Y Application Integration Engine Pricing
How our pricing works

Pricing is based on several elements, including production instances, the data sources you wish to integrate and the availability of existing API integrations.

We provide custom pricing to every client, as well as a bespoke integration service for clients with complex requirements.

The 5Y Unified Platform
Every 5Y engine is built on our modern unified data platform powered by Microsoft Azure’s backend capabilities.
  • Modern data vault
  • Single source of truth
  • Zero proprietary software
  • 100% aligned to Microsoft Reference Architecture
The 5Y Unified Data Platform
A modern, innovative data platform available as a Platform-as-a-Service subscription.
  • Modern data vault
  • Advanced data modelling
  • Zero proprietary software
  • 100% aligned to Microsoft Reference Architecture
Data Sources
Connect, master, migrate and analyse almost any data source.
  • Pre-built integrations for major applications
  • Sensitive data protected
  • Unaltered and fully audited
  • Real-time integration
Production Instances
The 5Y Application Integration Engine can be run on any deployment environment.
  • As many deployments as you need
  • Azure cloud environment as standard
  • Integration rules stored separately
Delivery Modes
Choose how you integrate, manage and optimise the 5Y Unified Data Platform.
  • Fully Managed We handle the initial deployment and ongoing management of your company’s data solution.
  • Co-Managed We work alongside your internal dev team to provide guidance and support.
  • Self-Managed Your team is responsible for the ongoing management and optimisation of the platform post-deployment.

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5Y Application Integration Engine

The 5Y Unified Application Integration Engine can be used to integrate several applications, migrate and master data sources and automate workflows.

Select the problems you are trying to solve:

Production Instances

The 5Y Application Integration Engine can be run on any deployment environment

Data Sources

The 5Y Application Integration Engine can ingest, migrate, master and integrate data from almost any source.

API Integrations

The 5Y Application Integration can connect any application using existing API functionality.

Source Systems

In cases where API functionality doesn’t exist, we use the 5Y Unified Data Platform to automate the integration process.

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Looking for analytics pricing?

Looking for analytics pricing?

The 5Y Unified Platform’s Analytics solution meets 80% of your business intelligence needs out of the box. Pricing is bespoke and you can create a custom quote by following the link below.

Analytics pricing

Unlock your organisation's potential with the

5Y Unified Data Platform

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