Fixed Assets Reporting & Analysis
Get a 360-degree view of the financial health of your organisation, including all ledgers and transactions with the 5Y Fixed Assets Analytics Solution.
We empower CFOs and finance directors to analyse the health of their fixed assets and make managing them a competitive advantage
Our Fixed Assets Analytics Solution makes it quick and easy for finance leaders to understand the financial performance of their facilities, equipment and land. Use standard and customised reports to accurately value assets, forecast depreciation and improve operational efficiency.

Asset Value Reports
Analyse the value of all of your organisation’s fixed assets in real-time and accurately forecast future deprecation.
Asset Location Analysis
Accurately track and monitor the location of all company equipment to reduce the risk of theft or loss.
Fixed Assets Dashboard
Get all the data you need to make accurate fixed asset decisions in a single location.
Fixed Assets KPIs & Measures
- Acquisition Amount
- Acquisition System Amount
- Acquisition Reporting Amount
- Depreciation Amount
- Depreciation Reporting Amount
- Depreciation System Amount
- Disposal Amount
- Disposal Reporting Amount
- Disposal System Amount
- Net Book Value (Accounting)
- Net Book Value (Reporting)
- Net Book Value (System

Start generating fixed assets insights in 60 days
When you adopt the 5Y Unified Data Platform, you significantly decrease your time to value. Using a combination of data vault methodology, common data structures and pre-built content, we provide many of your fixed assets analytics requirements out of the box. Better still, it takes months, not years, to personalise reporting to your unique business needs.